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Teenagers are in a state of continual growth- physically, emotionally, and mentally. As they transform from children to adults they learn to navigate life’s challenges, gain essential skills, and make numerous choices that shape the course of their lives. Wellness is important for people of all ages, and teenagers are no exception. emotional intelligence.pngWellness for teenagers centers on skills and lifestyle choices. Teenagers can increase their overall wellness by developing their emotional intelligence or EQ, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and connecting with others in an authentic manner.
EQ has recently gained traction after it was listed as the leading predictor of career success, ranking higher than technical knowledge.
Teaching teenagers how to recognize their emotions encourages an increased level of self-awareness, the foundation for EQ. Teenagers who are self aware are better equipped to strengthen their emotional intelligence and ability to work well with others. Being self aware may also increase the likelihood of making thoughtful, intentional decisions, rather than reacting impulsively.

Stress is on the rise for young people, rivaling the stress level of adults, and may manifest in unhealthy habits and physical or mental illnesses. Factors that may cause a teen to feel increased levels of stress are highly individual.

  • For some teens, it could be the cultural norm of high achievement and success in order to gain entrance into selective colleges and universities.
  • For others, it could be a feeling of competitiveness with their peers or a lack of sleep coupled with increased hours of screen time.


The 21st Century Athenas study from the Center of Research on Girls at The Laurel School found that multiple sources of stress exist for young women, rather than one overriding factor. The study recommended that girls benefit from mentoring relationships characterized by authenticity, engagement, and empowerment, especially when they are engaged in purposeful activities together.

  • Teachers can be the ideal mentor to young women, helping them to find meaning and purpose in their lives within the context of learning. Small schools provide the sort of environment that is conducive to building lasting relationships between students and teachers.  
  • Sleep is also critical to a teenagers overall growth which is why many high schools are opting to start school later, in alignment with recent studies on teenager’s sleep patterns. While it is recommended that adolescents sleep 9-10 hours per night, only 20% of adolescents reach that optimal amount and nearly half average less than 8 hours on weeknights.
  • Exercise, meditation, adequate sleep, communing with nature, and developing mentoring relationships are all behaviors shown to reduce stress, provide a healthy outlet, and reinforce attainable methods of dealing with difficult situations.


With concerted effort, small changes can be made to reduce the stress level of teenagers. These changes can lead to a healthier lifestyle that sets up the teenager for handling whatever obstacles she may face. It also ensures that the teen establishes good habits early in life and continues those habits into adulthood.



